An Introduction to ‘The Art Of Womanhood’

 In Blog, Pam Cavanaugh

Okay ladies, my son has talked me into writing a regular Blog for our ministry. Honestly I come kicking and screaming!!! 🙂 (figuratively of course). I invite you to join me on this new journey of writing for “The Art Of Womanhood”.  My husband Charles once preached in a sermon that the Christian life is not a sprint but a marathon.

I totally agree.  Come with me as I share life experiences, insights and opening my heart.  Pray for me for the days ahead. I feel like Esther as  Mordecai wrote in Esther 4:14b  “And who knows whether you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this?”

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  • Rebekah Peoples

    Miss Pam! I am very excited to glean from your life experiences as you share your heart and reveal the faithfulness of a great Savior! Thank you for investing in our lives. Love and prayers!

  • Monica DeMass

    Dear Mrs. C,

    I’m so excited that you are going to be sharing on here! I still think back to the talk you gave about gifts at Summit 2010. 🙂 I know it’ll be a blessing to myself and many other ladies.

    Blessings and prayers!


  • Rhonda

    Pam, I am an eager audience. Write on with God’s blessings. I’m happy to hear you are doing this.

    Love from your fellow marathoner,

  • Jamie Dempsey

    Wonderful! Now if each “blog time” could be face-to-face with cups of tea it would be perfect! I can assure you, Mrs. Pam, you are “for such a time as this”!! I miss you, Sweet Friend!

  • Rachel (Scheller) McElroy

    Hello, Miss Pam! So excited to get to hear from you in a blog forum! I agree with Jamie– it will be like little virtual “tea times” with you! Hope all is well, blessings to you and your family!

  • Katie Hinton

    Alright, Mrs. Cavanaugh!! I have every confidence you will be an encouraging and challenging blogger – not to mention entertaining! 🙂 Blessings as you take on this new form of ministry.

  • Jessica

    Hi I look forward to reading it! I missed P4C this year. Would have loved a big warm hug from you!

  • Daniel Cavanaugh

    Welcome, mom, to the bloggosphere! Mom has gotten more comments on a blog than any of our post since we started blogging 3 years ago. Just saying…

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