Finishing Well

 In Blog, Pam Cavanaugh

For several years now, Charles and I have had the privilege of ministering at an assisted living facility in our area. From the very beginning, a dear lady whose name is Ramona has been so faithful to always attend the worship services. She is always a blessing with her constant smile and her gratefulness for what little we feel we do. She loves her Savior and is always concerned for others around her who do not come to hear God’s Word preached.


There are people the Lord puts into our lives to encourage us and give us so much to live for. Ramona is one of those people. I look forward to my regular hug from her, and I love to hear the stories of her life. You see, she just turned 100 years old. What a life filled with serving The Lord! She lives a simple life, but has enjoyed every minute of it.


Once I did a Bible study tea and brought my collection of fancy teacups. She said she had never owned anything so beautiful. I carefully wrapped the teacup and gave it to her. You would have thought I had given her a million dollars. Oh to be reminded that the most precious times in our lives are made of simple things. This past Sunday she was not at the worship service. Charles and I went by her room. Her time is drawing near to leave this earth. We went to encourage her, and she ended up encouraging us. As we were leaving, Ramona said, “If I don’t see you both again, it has been a good ride. I will see you both when you cross over.” Heaven bound she is; a dear saint finishing well.


Oh how I want to finish well in my journey to live for Christ while bound to this earth. “I have fought a good fight; I have finished I my course; I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7) But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received from The Lord to testify the Gospel of the grace of God.” (Acts 20:24) Finishing well my dear friend; and yes, it has been a good ride – see ya later!


Pam Cavanaugh


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  • Gidget Lentz

    Oh Pam. This was so wonderful. Thank you for sharing!

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