“I’m the Captain Now”
When Jesus called the twelve disciples to follow Him, He called men who were confident and convinced they were up to the task: brave fishermen, successful tax collector, sons of thunder. “Let us call fire from heaven”, they said. “Are you able to drink the cup I shall drink?” Christ asked. “We are able,” was their reply. When faced with the prediction of turning their backs on their Lord in His time of greatest need, Peter unflinchingly says, “I will die first.” And all the others agreed.
But after three and one half years of living with Christ, they came to realize the truth of what their Master had told them earlier: “Without Me you are nothing.” Christ had very gradually but very surely moved them from the “we are able” mode to the “we are needy” mode. Self-sufficiency and self-confidence gave way to humility and dependence.
And so it is for everyone who follows Christ. We come more and more to see that, “Unless The Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless The Lord keeps the city, the watchman stays awake in vane.” “The horse is prepared for the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.”
Captain Philips was the subject of a recent popular movie. In the movie, a true story, the Captain’s ship was taken by Somali pirates. At one point in the story, the leader of the pirates tells Captain Philips; “I am the Captain now.” Through a series of amazing events, Captain Philips was rescued, and all but the leader of the pirates were killed. That pirate ultimately found out that he was indeed not the Captain. In fact, neither was Captain Philips. They were both subject to the Captain of men’s souls.
I have committed my life to touching and changing the next generation for Christ. As a family and ministry team, we work and plan to bring to pass a vision that we fully believe is of The Lord. But we are subjects of and subject to our Sovereign Lord. Without Him we are nothing. Unless He builds, we labor in vain. We rest in His loving providence and sovereign purpose. We trust that He is doing all things well. We are “Looking unto Jesus, the Captain and Perfecter of our faith…” He is the Captain now and forever.
That the generations to come might know Christ,
Charles Cavanaugh