‘In the Business of Life’
This is a short post by our dear friend Brittany Crist [College Plus coach] who attend P4C’11. We thought you might like to hear from an attendee and how God spoke to her. Enjoy.
—Daniel Cavanaugh
In the busyness of my life, rest seems elusive. Consumed by “doing”, I so often forget about the “being.” And yet our Lord tells me, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
Passion4Christ Summit 2011 was such a time for me to re-focus. A time to lay aside the busyness of life, and truly seek His face. A leading by the still waters, where He restores our souls. A time to come to the foot of the cross once more, looking only to Jesus. To be still. And know that He is God.
Highlights of the week for me definitely included the fabulous speakers, incredible times of worship through music, the Ponderosa theme dinner night, the zip line, stories by campfire, and the volleyball tournament! However, my favorite by far was time of mutual encouragement with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. For “those who tell of battles won, or those struggling in the fight.” To recall His faithfulness together. For He who called IS faithful
P4C is truly all about…Jesus. Setting our gaze on Him alone. For all of life. As Mr. Novotny put it, it is all about our “GREAT BIG GOD, and itty bitty every other thing.”
So. Mark your calendar for the Passion4Christ Summit 2012. October 24-28. Ohio. You will not want to possibly miss it. You will come away changed. For His Word does not return void.
Until then, by His grace, let’s continue to rest IN Him in the midst of the busyness. For our souls do find rest in Him alone. Keep looking to Jesus!
Brittany Crist – P4C’11 attendee