I have many thoughts running through my head this morning, in no particular order, as I sit in my sunny kitchen soaking up the warmth of the rays on my face. You know the saying, “The first year [...]
A song from the past says, “And as the moon rises he sits by the fire, Thinking about women and glasses of beer.” Separated from others, the lonely man longs for the warmth of women [...]
1. Remember: you are in Christ “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV There is [...]
I don’t know about you, but the pinnacle of my week is Sunday, the Lord’s Day. I love gathering with God’s people,fellowship around God’s Word, worshipping Him together, [...]
Ever sense I was a kid, I can remember longing for Christmas day. It always seemed like it would take forever for Christmas to get here. I remember the adults declaring that the year always [...]
Amazing how God’s truth never goes out of style. Fashion and music come and go and fade, but the truth of God’s Word is fixed. I would like to share a devotional I did 20 years ago at a lady’s [...]
This post brings no deep exposition of a passage or concept – only an admonition to the young men who might read this. I have had you on my heart for some time now, and so I am taking this [...]
In the wake of yet another Father’s Day (my 29th), perhaps we should ponder the importance of a father’s place and the impact of a father’s love. Father’s Day is an emotional day for me as I [...]
Several years ago I attended a ladies Conference where the speaker was Pasty Clairmont. In her talk she used a phrase, “God uses Cracked Pots”. I have never forgotten that [...]
New Year’s resolutions are being made. After all, its New Years and that is what we do. We are committed and determined to accomplish them with every ounce of human ability that is within us. We [...]