“If you … know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!”(Matt.7:10-12). The past few weeks have [...]
As I was putting on a sweater, there was a rustling sound in the pocket. I reached in and retrieved a ticket stub from the recent December showing of the “Star Wars” movie “The [...]
I awoke this morning facing the new year. Oddly enough my thoughts were not on making New Year’s resolutions. My mind was transported back to my childhood. I was remembering the retro toy [...]
Hi, I am Pamela Sue. I like… old windows a screened in porch chalk boards snail mail talking on the phone with friends from the past anything that smacks of pumpkin, especially Circleville, [...]
“I see the turning of a leaf dancing in the autumn sun, And brilliant shades of crimson glowing when the day is done.” – Hazelmarie Mattie Elliot As I drive down highways or [...]
In my early childhood, I could never compose poetry for classroom assignments. I really struggled in this area. I have a confession to make. My Mom wrote my poetry for me. This was so wrong. [...]
I have been collecting china teacups for years. I have accumulated quite a collection; many antique, some just special because given to me by dear friends. I have had the joy of sharing these [...]
I remember my old neighborhood where I grew up: staying out late at night on Sullivan Street hill, laughing and hanging out with neighborhood friends. We didn’t even lock our doors until [...]
The dictionary defines blessing as follows: “1. The act of prayer of one who blesses; 2. A grace said before or after eating; 3. The gift of Divine favor; 4. Good wishes or approval; 5. [...]
I was reading Psalm 87 in my devotions the other morning. This Psalm speaks of the Davidic Covenant the Lord made with David. It speaks of the Lord’s faithfulness, His lovingkindness, His [...]