The Source of New Years Joy
I remember a time in my younger years when New Years was a bit depressing. Oh, I enjoyed football and other things, but there was also fear and apprehension. The friends I had chosen did not know [...]
Best of 2015
There were a lot of great things on the blog in 2015! A few highlights include… The collaborative series posted during the spring on Dating.  Be sure to check out Pam’s perspective, [...]
Christmas Wonder
How do we express the wonder of the old Christmas story in a fresh way? Maybe the “freshness” of the old story is in the truth itself: the wonder of Christ and His incarnation. Few [...]
The Majesty and Mercy of Christmas
Christmas is filled with beauty and wonder. From a merely human perspective, the music, decorations, and lights create an atmosphere of joy and anticipation. It is “The Most Wonderful Time [...]
Reasons to Give; Reasons to Go
Giving and going are part and parcel with ministry. Givers go, and goers give. Givers go when they support the goer, for the goer could not go without them. Goers give, because they offer their [...]