The Wonder of the Incarnation of Christ
A.W. Tozer said; “What comes to mind when we think of God is the most important thing about us.” Certainly our thoughts of God are our most important thoughts. All other thoughts are mere trivia by comparison. E. Stanley Jones once said, “If God isn’t as good as Christ, then God isn’t as good as He could be” (“Christlikeness” from NavPress). This is not irreverence towards God but a statement of the value of the person of Christ. If you are a Christian, your Christology is the centerpiece of your belief system. Christ is quite literally your life.
As we worship Christ this Christmas season, I offer this poem by H.R. Bramley. It expresses something of the wonder of Christ and the mystery of the incarnation.
A babe on the breast of a maiden He lies,
Yet sits with the Father on High in the skies,
Before Him their faces the seraphim hide,
While Joseph stands, Waiting, un-scared by His ride.
Oh wonder of wonders which none can unfold,
The Ancient of Days is an hour or two old,
The Maker of all things is made of the earth,
Man is worship by angels, And God comes to birth.
The Word in the bliss of the Godhead remains,
Yet in flesh comes to suffer the keenest of pains,
He is that He was, and forever shall be,
But becomes what He was not for you and for me.
Merry Christmas!
Charles Cavanaugh