“A babe on the breast of a maiden He lies”
The crowning event of Christmas is the Incarnation. God became flesh and dwelt among men. The birth of Christ and the surrounding events of that incarnational moment are beyond our ability to grasp but leave us in awe and wonder. God’s condescension and majesty are wrapped up in the nativity. Few outside of Scripture have captured the mystery and majesty of these things as well as H. R. Bramley in his incarnation poem which I enjoy sharing with you each Christmas.
A babe on the breast of a maiden He lies,
Yet sits with the Father on high in the skies,
Before Him their faces the seraphim hide,
While Joseph stands waiting, unscarred by His side.
Oh, wonder of wonders, which none can unfold!
The Ancient of Days is an hour or two old,
The Maker of all things is made of the earth,
Man is worshipped by angels, and God comes to birth.
The Word in the bliss of the Godhead remains,
Yet in flesh comes to suffer the keenest of pains,
He is that He was, and forever shall be,
But becomes what He was not for you and for me.
This Christmas remember the most memorable gift, the most remarkable event, the most unspeakable joy.
Merry Christmas,
Charles Cavanaugh