Don’t Lead Home Without It
There are some things you just do not leave home without: like a spare tire. On a trip, toiletries and other personal items are a must. Many of us have panicked when we realized we left something important behind. Now we even panic when we realize we’ve left our cell phone charger.
Truth is, any of these can be replaced, even on a short trip. We do not even have to trust The Lord, do we? Just slide the plastic. Not too many things are irreplaceable, no matter how valuable. But while there are some things we should not leave home without, there are others we must not “lead” home without. Leaving a godly heritage and passing on a Gospel-centered vision require a genuine saving knowledge of Christ, biblical vision, and rock solid commitment. And it could be argued that all of these are indispensable.
But many leaders exhibit necessary qualities of leadership while grossly omitting the one without which the others are for naught. And nowhere is this more telling than in spiritual leadership and, in particular, the leadership of a Christ-centered home. Perhaps it is because humility seems so contrary to the natural man’s view of leadership that it is not just viewed as optional. It is often seen as detrimental to effective leadership. Humility is seen as weakness: as indecisiveness and uncertainty.
But these misconceptions come from an unbiblical understanding of both humility and leadership. There are no infallible earthly leaders, and those who act as though they are forfeit their credibility with those they seek to influence. The fathers and husbands who learn this take a huge step towards effective spiritual leadership and building a Christ-centered home. This is the mind of Christ. This is the path to empowerment, but woe to the man who uses it as such.
So what does this mean practically? It means we quickly admit when we are wrong and seek the forgiveness of those we have offended. It means we are candid and transparent about our weaknesses and open to counsel and rebuke. And it means we never stop learning and growing. Beware of giving the impression that you are superior and self-satisfied.
None of this is accomplished by self- made men who try harder. We must seek the face of God, kneel at the foot of the cross, and live with a constant dependence on Christ as we view Him in such passages as Phil. 2:1-8. As our wives and children witness these things in us, they will see Jesus and by God’s grace be drawn to Him. And, by the way, we will be putting Christ at the center of our homes.
To the glory of Christ,
Charles Cavanaugh
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