Faithful Friends and Pumpkin Doughnuts
What a wonderful weekend the Lord gave me! I am reminded of the verse: “…there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). I had the privilege of spending quality time with two of my favorite people this weekend – Dave and Becky Cavanaugh. Not only are they family, but we also have been very close friends for years, even before I entered the Cavanaugh clan.
I am writing on the tablet of my heart of the gratefulness I have for these two folks. They have invested in my life and they have stuck closer to me than “a brother.”
They came to visit Charles and me while coming to our family reunion. These are the kind of friends that, even though I do not see them all the time, we can pick back up right where we left off – a friendship that fits like a glove; like a cool drink of water that satisfies my thirst.
What a blessing I have been given by having Dave and Becky in my life. We have laughed, cried, and shared so much together. This friendship is true richness in a society that is so greedy and focused on material gain. Do you invest in people when your lives come together from time to time so that you can say with the Scripture in Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend”? I am so grateful for this weekend of iron sharpening my countenance.
Purposeful friends remember all about you and are a blessing in small ways. My dear friends brought me pumpkin doughnuts all the way from Circleville, OH – the best doughnut and my all-time favorite. “Just a little thing,” you say. But I think of how Christ loves me and is always doing even little things in my life.
So… as the weekend draws to a close, I say goodbye to the precious times I have had to laugh, care, and share together. I put the extra doughnut in a zip lock bag and place it in the freezer. I want to be able to savor the treasure and it will remind me of how much I treasure the time spent with my dear friends Dave and Becky. I savor their friendship and anticipate spending eternity together sharing, caring, and praising the Lord.
And I am convinced there will be pumpkin doughnuts in heaven… Just sayin’. I savor the thought! :-).
Pam Cavanaugh
[Image courtesy of Marcus/]