The Benediction
The wedding of my son in California is over. But the crowning point is reflecting back on what The Lord did for me at the celebration. This blog is dedicated to all our friends who traveled so far to support the Cavanaugh family. A whole gang of people who flew in for the wedding will never realize how much they encouraged me. Charles’ family and my family were unable to attend, but this group of people filled right in as family.
At the Rehearsal Dinner I was ask to speak, and I quoted the Scripture… “there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24a). I am constantly amazed how The Lord meets the needs of my heart at the moment, no matter how large or small the desire of my heart may be. This group of friends met that desire at the wedding. “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)
What a celebration! Ashley Dickson was practicing the waltz from “Emma”, the movie of Jane Austin’s movie. I heard the music in the hall, and in my soul, I wanted to waltz to the music. Thank you, Nathaniel Forman, who heard the music too and took my hand as we began to waltz.
Thank you Ashley and Zach Scheller for being there from home. “Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart; so does the sweetness of a man’s friend by hearty counsel.” (Proverbs 27:9)
Thank you Breezy Mendenhall and Mindy Holt for arriving at the right time to help me prepare for the wedding. You gals are like perfume: fun time together laughing and fellowshipping. You both are so special to me.
Alyssa, Amanda, John and Tim Forman and Brandon Dickson; for all the work behind the scenes, willing to serve in any capacity: awesome job folks.
When I walked out right before the wedding began, what a joy to be greeted by old friends: Janice, Jeff, Leah, and Lila Erickson; thank you. Rob Bennett and Bob Minchin; thanks for being there. Spending time with Britton, Erika, and Cora Felber was such a blessing. What a godly family.
John Forman; the perfect person to walk me down the aisle for the ceremony: I’m still smiling John.
To all the group that represented me on the front row as family;… Krissy and Katie Hinton, Bri and Brad Northern, Breezy and Mindy. I am honored to call all of you family.
Thanks for allowing this “Old Lady” to have so much fun in the Photo Booth: memories never to be forgotten.
To Bri Northern, who has the amazing gift of encouragement and who, with her small gift to me at the end of the wedding, made me smile.
To Tim and Evy Porter for being such great photographers.
Each one of these young adults has been place in my life “for such a time as this”. They make me a better person. “Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17). I am so grateful that each of you sharpens my countenance.
I did not cry at the ceremony, and I was so proud of myself, until Luke Kalberg began to sing. Thank you Luke for using your voice to touch my soul with beauty and tenderness. Great job! You made me tear up.
The reality of God should change us, and when I realize that it is God Who has done all these things through my friends, I am changed. I am the richest lady in the world. It is all just a memory now, as one friend said to me… The benediction is so sweet. “Praise God from Whom all blessings flow”.
Pam Cavanaugh
P.S. You can see more pictures of the wedding on Evy’s blog.
Loved this– especially since I missed it. 🙁 Luke was really glad to be part of the wedding!
So sweet!
AW! Mom! This was SO sweet! Thank you so much for your encouragement! I really appreciate you genuine, honest, and caring heart for people! It challenges me! I don’t know about you but I’m ready for round 2! or.. maybe we should give it some more time.. ;D
Your son,