In Blog, Daniel Cavanaugh

A few weeks ago I had the privilege to attend a conference that I have wanted to go to for a very long time. Always love it when God opens doors like that. It has been one of my bucket list items to attend T4G [Together4Gospel] and to check it off was pretty sweet. You may be thinking, “bucket list? T4G? Ok”. Yep, it was on there.


I know people say this a lot after they attend a conference – and believe me I have been to a bunch of them – but it was truly the best conference I have ever attended. Not so much because there was so many like-minded people there or that the worship in music was so rich and glorious. It was Awesome! No, it was the focus of the conference that made it so sweet, and the word that was preached still reverberates in my mind and heart.


The gospel is the main thing. I know you hear me speak of this often, and I make no apology for it. Paul’s command, “be not moved away from the gospel”, burns within my heart, and I pray that I will only grow in how I live it more and more each and every day that I have breath.  It’s all I have in this world that will last.


However, this conference only served to solidify this like a rock in my life. I will not go into each message that was preached, but I am wetting your appetite, hoping it will motivate you to go and listen to each message. Each one built on the other, the biblical reality that the gospel is broad in its application in our life. Yet, as the theme focused us, we underestimate the power of a spirit wrought application of the gospel. Whether it is the Lord breathing life into a lost soul or the aged believer who is still fighting the good fight of faith. And that underestimation affects everything – family, leadership, relationships, church life, missions, worldview, how we engage culture, etc. It is eternal in its scope to change the depraved heart for the wondrous and glorious God of the universe.


So. Take some time to listen to the messages of T4G. I have left you the link below to where they are. And never ever underestimate the power of the gospel.


T4G Audio / T4G Video


Be not moved away,


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