Timeless Treasures

 In Blog, Pam Cavanaugh

When I was growing up, I had little timeless treasures – you know, things that didn’t have meaning to others, but had a special meaning to me. These were things that brought joy or a smile to my face. I would tuck these special timeless treasures away in boxes, drawers, or other special places I found to keep them.


As Mother’s Day approaches, I reflect on how much I miss my mom who passed away several years ago. I also reflect on the timeless treasure the Lord has given me these past years in a woman named Mrs. Louise Crawford.


When I was young, I lived in the same neighborhood that she lived in. I went to church with her and became good friends with her children. The Lord was setting the stage. Many a Sunday, her son would invite some of us to go home with him for Sunday lunch. It never mattered if he had asked Mrs. Crawford, for the table was always open and ready for many guests. Eventually she and her husband moved to the country and built a new home. Years later, my husband became the pastor of their church. I became Mrs. Crawford’s pastor’s wife and she became my spiritual mom – another timeless treasure in my life.


Her home was always open and it was there that I walked through many hard times and was comforted by her through some dark hours in my life. She taught me the art of hospitality – not just what you put on the table, but what you bring to the table.


She would stop by my house on occasion with a beautifully wrapped gift for me. She told me from time to time that she would give her daughters a “happy gift.” I truly felt like one of her daughters.


She has been a friend of mine for many years even though we live so far apart. She has supported my two sons on their mission trips to Russia and around the World – financially and with prayers. What would our lives be like without the prayer warriors the lord places in our paths!


The Lord, in the book of Philemon, brought a slave into Paul’s life to refresh his soul in times of his bonds. Mrs. Crawford has refreshed me often. She is a timeless treasure. Wisdom is her clothing and she always imparts Scripture to me when we have our chats over the phone.


She is now caring for her husband who is very ill. I call and there is a tiredness in her voice, but her faith in God is strong and rules life’s challenges. She still refreshes my soul by her steadfast love for the Savior and her love for me.


Through the years, every Mother’s Day I make her a homemade Mother’s Day card. She told me that she has kept each card over the years and places them in a special box. I am blessed to be a part of a timeless treasure for a lady who has bless my life. My dear “spiritual mom.”


Malachi 3:17 says, “And they shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my jewels, and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him.”


Mrs. Louise Crawford, my timeless treasure, you are His jewel and I tuck you away in my heart, never to be removed.


Happy Mother’s Day to my Spiritual Mom!

Pam Cavanaugh

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