Midweek Deviation: Complementarian?

 In Ministry Updates

Since Daniel is taking a break from blogging for the next three weeks while he is in Ecuador, we wanted to take the opportunity to digress just a bit and share with you a variety of videos created by others we highly respect that we have found helpful as we pursue faithfulness to the gospel in all areas of life. 


We plan to send these posts your way on Wednesdays and provide you with an update on the team in Ecuador each Friday.  If you are interested in keeping up with the team throughout the week, but sure to stay tuned to out our Facebook and Google+ pages where we’ll be posting pictures and short status updates.






What Does It Mean to Be Complementarian?


Desiring God provides this valuable video by Mary Kassian helping us see beyond the stereotypical breakdown of ‘jobs’ when examining the roles of men and women to the deeper biblical significance – the living picture of the gospel as reflected in the relationship of Christ and His Church.  It is certainly well worth two minutes of your time.




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