Health Care and the Christian
The health care discussion in the United States has, if nothing else, highlighted how much we value, even worship our health. Some have operated and even built their agenda on the premise that good health, and thus health care, is a right. Wellness, which our forefathers never assumed, has graduated from the status of privilege to that of a right.
This also serves to show us how we are attached to the now and ourselves. But in this week after resurrection Sunday, we must be reminded that the Passion and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is about much more than temporal happiness, selfishness, and physical health. The clamor over health care is evidence that people live with a fear of death and an inordinate love for and attachment to this life and this world. But the empty tomb is about much more than health, wealth, and happiness. It is about freedom from sin and self. It is about the power to live life to the glory of this risen Lord. “For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live unto The Lord,…”
Our Lord did not die to assure His people of something as mundane as physical health. The blessings of the cross and the realities of the resurrection are far greater than this; “whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.” The resurrection assures us of the very life of Christ Himself, and “If you then were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above… Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.”
And Sunday morning is not where this resurrection life is primarily lived. It is on Monday morning that the realities of this resurrection life hit the wall of a very real world. Remember, the truth of the resurrection is, at least in part, that we do not live unto ourselves but unto Him Who loved us and gave Himself up for us. That must show to those we rub shoulders with at work and other places. The resurrected Christ means to show Himself through people just like you and me. And may it be so. May the reality of our Lord not be hidden behind our fallen shell but burst forth to the glory of His great name and the salvation of the lost.
For Christ’s Glory,
Charles Cavanaugh
I loved reading this article! Beautifully stated and so very true! Thank you for sharing this truth!