How Does God Do That?

 In Blog, Pam Cavanaugh

Do you ever have those moments – you know, those “awe, aha” moments – in your daily life?


This past week I had a “How does God do that?” moment!


I lost the only key that goes to my Nissan car.   “Well,” I figured, “the key is, of course, going to cost a lot of money to get programmed for the car.”  I did not respond favorably and, I confess, murmuring in my heart was my immediate reaction.


I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just talk out lord to the Lord, even reason with Him, as if He is in the room! J  “Lord, I really do not have the money to get this key replaced.”


Well, after I finished that ridiculous conversation, I decided to call a friend that I had visited that past weekend in St. Louis.  I thought that maybe I had lost it there.  But she had not found it.  Before we hung up the phone, she prayed with me.  As she prayed, my darkened heart was melted and drawn to my Savior as I realized how great God is and that this was His plan.


Matthew 6:8 says, “Be not ye, therefore, like unto them, for your father knows what things you have need of, before you ask him.”


The interesting thing that my dear friend prayed in her prayer was, “Lord, maybe you could send a rebate to Pam to cover the cost of the key!”  I must confess that when I heard that, I thought to myself, “a rebate?  I don’t think so.  I never mail off rebates!”


The next day I sent to where I serve as a caregiver for a man in my community three days a week.  Each time I serve him, when it is time for me to leave, he has to sign my time sheet to mail to the insurance company.  This time, he walked across the room using his walker and handed me the signed sheet.  Also in his hand was a check that he had received in the mail from his insurance company because he had paid too much to the hospital.  He told me that he wanted me to have this check to pay for my lost key!  Okay, so this definitely qualifies as a rebate! J


I literally burst into tears and as I stood there I thought, “how does God do that?”  I am so blessed that He does – love so amazing, so divine.  What has God done in your life lately in which you recognize Him and say, “How does God do that?”


Pam Cavanaugh

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  • Amy

    Love it! Did you ever find that key? If not – it might be in the apron pocket at M.A’s house. That’s where I found their lost key!

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