Messages in the Junk Drawer

 In Blog, Pam Cavanaugh

Life sure can take a lot of twists and turns, and about one and a half years ago, my life took a different kind of turn. A dear sweet lady in my community was working in her flower garden. She lives in a section of her home place with her husband, and her daughter and family live in the other part of the house. Her daughter is my chiropractor. I was leaving her daughter’s part of the home, and as I passed by she and I struck up a conversation. It was one of those conversations in which you feel like you have known the person all your life.


Her husband has physical problems, and she was looking for a caregiver for a few hours a day, three days a week. I prayed about it and took the job. It is amazing how the Lord directs our paths. Psalm 37:23; “The steps of a good man (woman) are ordered by The Lord, and He delights in his way.” It has become more than a job. I feel it has become a ministry for me. I know that I can be an encourager to her when times are tough.


Amazingly she has become a minister to me. They can’t attend church services very often, so she watches the Preacher Charles Stanley recorded for her by her daughter. She is always writing thoughts from the Pastor’s sermons or Scripture verses on slips of paper and leaving them around the house.


I have opened her junk drawer many times, and we laugh together about how many times I have organized this drawer for her! In the midst of being a junk drawer, it contains just the thoughts the Lord knows will minister to me that day!


It’s nothing earth shattering but words of wisdom on forgiveness, compassion, or His infinite mercy towards us: messages for both of our hearts. I smile when I come across her little messages, which she says she leaves for herself. But I know this is God’s plan for me too!


Working in this home has been such a blessing, and they treat me like family. I am grateful for the twists and turns The Lord chooses for me in my life. I take joy in getting to organize her junk drawer or just looking for a pen, paper, or stamps. Because I know there will be small messages in the “junk drawer” just for me!


Pam Cavanaugh

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