Testimonies, Comments, and Changed Lives
Monday, June 23rd kicks off our two-week summer fundraising campaign, So Others May Grow. To get things started, we wanted to share with you some comments and testimonies we have received from those who have interacted with us through various platforms – conferences, website, social media, etc. We pray that your heart will be blessed and your faith strengthened through these testimonies and that, as the Lord directs, you would considering partnering with us ‘So Others May Grow’.
“If Christ is not preeminent in your life, preaching, or any aspect of you then it’s a sure bet that you may not have a biblical grasp on the gospel…the gospel is our life. It is the essence of who we are as believers and should always have profound implications for what we do. I leave you with this: eat, sleep, breath, and teach the gospel.” Thanks for sharing truth the exhorts us to live the gospel and go with the gospel as our companion. Greatly encouraged by these words this morning!
– Tiffany, Blog Reader
I sure look forward to reading what you guy post on your website. – Richard, Blog Reader
God really used P4C Summit this year to confirm what He was already working in my heart in regards to my home-church. I have been investing in people in my church and that has been giving me a new and sincere love for them. I have really struggled with this in the past and was even bitter against the body of Christ a year ago. But God has been changing my heart through the gospel and a deeper understanding of how Christ loves and relates to me. I was so encouraged to gather with all the young people at Summit who were seeking to grow in their love and passion for the Lord. I particularly enjoyed the community groups where we could discuss the topics more intimately and ask tough questions. It was a great time of encouragement, fellowship, worship, and fun. I just remember coming home so full of joy and love, empowered with a fresh perspective on what God wanted me to be and do as a Christian in regards to His Church. Now here I am months later and still following through with the things God spoke to me at the Summit. I can not only see God changing my heart but also using me to bring about His purposes in those around me as I follow Christ. Praise the Lord!
-Tim, P4C Attendee
Grateful for this ministry!!! {Kingdom driven and Christ centered!!!!} – Bri, Ministry Supporter on Facebook
The Lord has been teaching me similar lessons so it was encouraging to read this post. #1 – Marked by Compassion was so convicting to me. I quickly plan what I want my day/week/months to look like so I get frustrated when those plans are disturbed. However, if my time, goals, and to-do list are given to Christ, how freeing that could be! This means I can listen to the Holy Spirit to speak the gospel to the barista at Starbuck’s instead of rushing through the line or encourage a struggling believer. Thank you for this blog post! It was exactly what I needed to read today!
– Carissa, Blog Reader
Awesome post! Exactly what I needed today thanks! Praying for you brother. – Stephen, Blog Reader
“So Spirit come, put strength in every stride,
Give grace for every hurdle
That we may run with faith to win the prize,
Of a servant good and faithful…”
Sad the Summit is over, but so grateful for an amazing weekend at #P4C12…refreshed in spirit by the fellowship and preaching of the Word! Miss everyone already!!
– Rachel, P4C Attendee and Ministry Supporter on Facebook
Cavanaughs ~ thank you SO much for being the channel of God’s grace!!! My heart is still overflowing with joy from the conference. Will DEFINITELY be there next year. =)
– Brittany, P4C Attendee and Blog Reader
Great video. Very timely. I needed to hear that today. Thanks! – Aaron, Blog Reader
The Lord used P4C to further impress on me the importance of living with an eternal perspective. I came away in 2013 reveling in the grace of God, encouraged that I had a band of brothers and sisters across the States who were also desirous of living for Christ. Though my parents instilled a ministry mindset in me, P4C fostered and helped shape that passion for the lost. I feel better equipped to be a light in the world. Praise God!
– Heidi, P4C Attendee
Thanks! This ministry is awesome. God and his people are blessed by it, and I can see ways He is using it to further His kingdom!
– Grant, Blog Reader
Two words: Life changing. Every year I attend Passion4Christ God reveals more of himself in a new way. It is one of those rare glimpses of Heaven where everyone comes together to worship the King. I walk away with new friendships, refocused, and closer Christ.
-Amanda, P4C Attendee
Pam, what an encouragement this was to me! Thank you for sharing your heart. This was used by God with truly perfect timing. Your words have been used mightily by God and I just wanted to let you know. Blessings to you!
– Emily, Blog Reader
Had a wonderful time at the P4C2012 Conference. It was a great time of fellowship, edification, and fun. I took the time to summarize my thoughts from the weekend: “What does ‘GO’ look like?” (Matthew 28:18-20) “GO” is not merely a singular action. It does not just mean to get up and walk from one physical place to another. “GO” is so much more than a singular action. It is a state of being–a way of life. It is focusing on our relationship with Christ, resting on Him for our daily direction, following Him wherever He may lead. “GO” is trusting our Great God; it is proclaiming Him, His love for use, and the ways in which He daily sustains us through the way in which we live. “GO” is a state of living for Him regardless of the cost or the circumstances. “GO” is daily living out our love for Him as best we can and thus taking the message of Christ to the world. In this way others, believers and unbelievers may see our lives and also desire to have an intimate relationship with the God who so loved us that He redeemed us from our sinful state. What does “GO” look like? It is walking daily with our Savior for all to see.
– Jonathon, P4C Attendee and Ministry Supporter on Facebook
What a breath of fresh air. While much of the church is running off looking for “fixes” to their problems or battling the ills of the nation, Mr. Cavanaugh has firmly placed his fingers on the pulse of the problem. Cutting to the quick, the “Bible believing, Evangelical” church is in real danger of losing the gospel. Praise God for the remaining faithful churches and pastors that point their congregations and the lost to the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. May their number increase.
– Mike, Blog Reader
[Partner with us So Others May Grow by donating here]