Do The Next Thing

 In Blog, Pam Cavanaugh

During the course of our life, the Lord graciously brings people into our lives to teach us and instruct us.  I had the privilege, years ago, of sitting under the teaching of Elizabeth Elliot.  Her life has been amazing and the Godly wisdom she shared was powerful.


I think sometimes when we attend conferences or meetings, we are looking for earth shattering or grandiose happenings.  What I learned that weekend was not earth shattering information.  But, what I learned spoke volumes to my heart.


We wrestle with the will of God and all that our busy lives throw at us.  Elizabeth Elliot uttered four simple words: “Do the next thing,”


I would like to share with you the poem that she shared with us in that meeting.


So, do the next thing – read it!


Pam Cavanaugh


Do The Next Thing

From an old English parsonage,
Down by the sea,

There came in the twilight,
A message to me;

Its quaint Saxon legend,
Deeply engraven,

Hath, as it seems to me,
Teaching from Heaven.

And on through the hours
The quiet words ring

Like a low inspiration-

Many a questioning, many a fear,

Many a doubt, hath its quieting here.

Moment by moment,
Let down from Heaven,

Time, opportunity,
Guidance, are given.

Fear not tomorrows,
Child of the King,

Trust them with Jesus,

Do it immediately;
Do it with prayer;

Do it reliantly, casting all care;

Do it with reverence,
Tracing His Hand,

Who placed it before thee with 
Earnest command.

Stayed on Omnipotence,
Safe ‘neath His wing,

Leave all resultings,

Looking to Jesus, ever serener,

(Working or suffering)
Be thy demeanor,

In His dear presence,
The rest of His calm,

The light of His countenance
Be thy psalm,

Strong in His faithfulness,
Praise and sing,

Then, as He beckons thee,

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  • Jennifer Lavin

    thank you so much for sharing this!

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