Facebook Doesn’t Work

 In Blog, Daniel Cavanaugh

For this week’s post, I would like to pause from my regular series and unpeel a couple of misconceptions in our response to our country’s moral judgments these last couple of weeks.  I will not be long.  I just want to give some perspective that will help us not just cope but also move forward with vision and purpose.


King & Country


First of all, the world has not come to an end.  Even if it had, God is still on the throne and we ultimately serve the King of kings – Christ our Lord.  Though I love my country and would even die defending it, the gospel is not dependent on the survival of the American way.


Truly Suffer


Secondly, we are the first generation of Christians in a long while who have known nothing of what it means to truly suffer for our faith.  If it comes – and I say “if” because we do not know what will happen in the future – then we will understand better, as did Paul and the first century believers, the truth “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”


‘New Set of Missional Skills’


Third, we need to step back and evaluate the effectiveness of our current strategies, or lack thereof.  Spending our time bashing others or in pompous ranting is not going to fix the problem.  Politics is not the answer, though we can and should engage there.  Writing a bold or clever Facebook status is not engaging the culture.  Besides, Facebook is a bubble of people who mostly agree with us anyway.  Pride will not win the day and humility will not always be received [though humility must characterize us].  Al Mohler put it best in his most recent article (“Waiting for the Other Shoe”): “We will have to learn an entire new set of missional skills as we seek to remain faithful to Christ in this fast-changing culture.”  We must never change in our gospel conviction, but, even so, we must remember that we no longer hold the title ‘moral majority’.  Those days are gone and we must learn how we engage in this changed arena in the middle of which we now find ourselves standing.


The Primary Cause


Fourthly, there are a couple of fundamental things that we must understand in order to engage any people or culture.  One being man is dead in his trespasses and sin [Ephesians 2].  Because of this, he is doing what is natural.  Apart from the grace of God, we would be making the same decisions and heralding the same banners.  Also, it is important to note that once man destroys God the Father as the primary cause, there ceases to be a true moral compass [Genesis 1 & 2].  We have to return to engaging with the basic understanding of a primary cause.


Little Homes & Porches


Now in saying all of this, I do not claim to have discovered the “new set of missional skills”.  However, I do know it is time to get on our knees and beseech the Lord for wisdom [James 1].  I will be bold and say we must be willing to get our hands dirty.  This means we must engage life-to-life with those who think in terms so perverted we may wonder what have we gotten ourselves into.  We have to engage the culture on all fronts.  We will have to leave the confines and comforts of our little homes and porches.  We will have to be as the first century believers who counted not their lives dear to themselves.


Daniel Cavanaugh

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  • Jared

    I’m really feel the heart behind this awesome message, Jack! If I could just give an alternate perspective re: the value of FB (albeit understandably slight and often wearisome).

    I have several personal friends from days gone by who are on both extreme sides of the political spectrum (ultra conservative/libertarian and ultra liberal/progressive), and the deep, meaningful “conversations” we’ve been able to have over a particularly controversial idea (posted by them or me) have proven to me that humble truth seeking and Jesus/gospel promoting is actually possible among the other worthless pursuits on Facebook. Believe it or not. 🙂

    Love ya, bro!

  • Jared

    I’m really *feeling* the heart… 🙂

  • Jarod

    Great thoughts. It is hard for us to break out of our “those that agree with us” bubble, even if we don’t do Facebook. Two causes of this is only associating with people from church, and fearing confrontation or disagreement.
    It is interesting that I only found this article because of Facebook. 🙂

  • Daniel Cavanaugh

    Touché, Jarod.

    Thanks guys for the feedback. The only reason I picked that titled because I knew it would get people to read it.I actually talked about other aspects more than I did FB. I am in no way against social media. In fact, I think it has its place.Its a great way to spread the word…Not a good place to have real life-to-life engagement. If you see any of my activity on FB, you know that I post quite frequently on there. My overall thinking is that talking among ourselves about the evils of current culture wars is not going to change anything. We have to engage on all levels.

    I personally don’t get into discussions on FB over issues anymore. They never go anywhere. It usually become a back and forth fest. My desire is to get people thinking about their current mindset on engaging the culture. We live in a post-modern world, and it will require incredible wisdom to engage. Let the discussion begin on how we can do that. =)

  • Odward

    Excellent idea Daniel! Should we have this discussion on Facebook? 😉 I’m just kidding a little bit, and I know your main focus was not on Facebook. One last thought on that…I know that Facebook discussions can often seem fruitless and tiresome, but it is often the people reading this discussion that will be most impacted by it. Those we debate with are not, most likely, going to change their mind, but those reading it and never commenting will be more profoundly influenced. So there is some value there. (Though, I have to admit, I totally understand your frustration.)

    How to impact the culture? How do we have life to life impact? One way is through in home hospitality. Having an un-believer to your home to share a meal or some other event is a wonderful way to connect. It’s also a good way to show them how true Christians really live, and the difference Christ makes in a life, home, and family.

    Other thoughts?

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