God’s Ambassadors
A dear friend of mine, Terri Smith wrote on her Facebook wall that a dear friend of hers had passed away. She called her an Ambassador for Christ. I started thinking about it, and I realized what a beautiful thing to say about someone.
I looked up the dictionary definition for ambassador: 1. ranking diplomatic representative appointed by one country or government to represent it in another. 2. a special representative , on a mission, an agent with a special mission.
Oh, yes, the second definition is for the believer. 2 Cor. 5:20 says, “Now, then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” Christ has appointed us, as it were, to represent Him and His kingdom to this world we live in.
It is such a blessing to reflect on all the ambassadors the Lord has placed in my life to guide me over the years. They have represented Christ in my life to show me the way and to impact my life. I would like to share a few with you.
My Sunday School teacher at a very young age, Mrs. Kilpacktrick. She taught me the Spirit of Femininity. She was a lovely lady and always wore a hat. I guess that is where my love of hats began. She taught me the word of God, and it came at a critical time in my young life. I did not grow up in a Christian home, and I walked to the nearest Church every Sunday to sit under her teaching. She was an example of the art of being a lady.
Mrs. Gail Upton, a Godly wife and mother, was in my church also. She showed me, when I was in her home, what a Godly Christian home looked like. She was preparing me to be a wife and mother in the Lord. Something I knew nothing about growing up. She showed me beauty from the heart and feminine strength. Femininity is so much more than lace and flowers. A woman with the spirit of femininity is a woman with a teachable heart – a heart that can give and forgive, protect and respect, and go from craze to praise. “When we nurture the spirit of femininity in our lives we are not just primping and polishing; we are wrapping God’s word around our homes, filling it with prayer, peace, and pleasure.” (Emilie Barnes)
Mrs. Jean Simmons, taught me so much about being the Titus 2 woman and about giving: the spirit of always giving of yourself and time to others. Once I admired a butterfly pin she was wearing, and she took it off and gave it to me. Sounds too simple. That made a big impact on my young heart, and I have never forgotten it. I have done that with others, and it brings such joy to your soul. It’s fun – try it sometime.
Mrs. Verlie House, taught me the Spirit of Stillness. When Charles took his first pastorate she was a member of our church. She was a lady I grew to love and admire. When life distresses came, she was always available for council and to pray with me. She taught me stillness in the word. She was a woman I could trust. “Be still and know that I am God”, the psalmist urges. Stillness is not a word that many of us even use anymore, let alone experience. As a young woman, I was tilted more outward, and she taught me to be more inward. Growing in the Lord and geared towards heaven. We need to experience the fragrance of Christ’s love and let that love permeate our lives – to let the calmness of His spirit replenish the empty well of our heart, which gets depleted in the busyness and rush of the everyday demands and pressures. She was 70 years old and a woman who was like a sponge, always learning and growing in the Lord. I always said, when I am old and grey-headed (which I am fast approaching!) I want to be like her. She was always young at heart! The Lord is so gracious to provide all the spiritual blessings we need in our walk with Him.
Mrs. Louise Crawford taught me the Spirit of hospitality, the spirit of the Kitchen, and the Spirit of Godliness. She became my spiritual Mom. The Spiritual Mom I never had growing up. Her home was a refuge for me and a learning center for Godliness. She is a prayer warrior, a Godly example, and she has and still treats me like a daughter. She taught me genuine love for others. One time as a Pastor’s wife, she came to my home and brought me a beautiful gift of a sweater. She said it was a “happy” and she often did these kind of things. She had a welcoming home, a place of refuge, were people worn down by the noise and turmoil of the outside world could find a safe resting – a place where you are made aware of God’s blessing and through which you pass on his blessing to others. This is the kind of home I want to strive to have. Many a meal was served with lots of invited guest around her table, sharing hospitality and the wisdom of God.
These aren’t huge things, but they were everyday moment-by-moment investments in my life and examples to follow. These are the older Godly women, but there is still the Spirit of Celebration. These are all the young ladies, especially the P4C ladies, that have brought to my life that spirit. Living your lives with exploding joy! Celebrating laughter, a gift of God that brightens our good times; lightens the rough ones. Celebrating their Passion for Christ and each other. What a privilege it has been to spend time with each of you. I am inspired and always renewed in my spirit to serve Christ better.
I feel I must put a man figure in here somewhere!!! Of course, I cannot leave out Charles Cavanaugh, my precious husband of 31 years. He has been faithful to the word of God. For so many years, I was blessed to sit under his preaching. I am a better person for it. He has been a man of God, who has taught me how to stand-alone and to trust the Lord in all situations of life. He is trustworthy, honest, strong in the Lord, and that has been the driving force in our family. Thank you, Charles.
I hope I have caused you to bring remembrance to those Ambassadors the Lord has place in your life. Take some time to be grateful before the Lord for them and maybe this week you could let some of them know what they have meant in your life. A note, a call, or just pray for them. Let us be still and never take for granted the spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ Jesus.
Remember, Child of God, you are an Ambassador for Christ, a special representative on a mission, an agent with a special mission for others.
Share your life, and find the finest joy man can know. Do not be stingy with your heart. Get out of yourself into the lives of others, and new life will flow into you- share and share alike. – Joseph Fort Newton