This past week I had the amazing opportunity to attend the “Together for the Gospel” conference in Louisville, KY. I truly was unprepared for what The Lord was going to do that week. I am convinced I got a glimpse of what heaven will be like.
There were over 7,000 people singing the praises of the Lord in one accord, men of God rightly dividing the Word of God, unashamed of speaking the truth of the Scriptures for our souls, stirring my heart for a stronger prayer life. They also laid out the practical need to send Bibles to Nigeria where you can hardly find a Bible.
This conference sent several pallets of Bibles, because everyone could buy the Bibles inexpensively here to send there. It is hard to believe that a country has so few Bibles, while I am blessed to have so many.
I was renewed and reminded of the power of the cross, that I serve a sovereign God, a great God, of our responsibility as a church to arise and put our armor on, and of the need to be unashamed of reaching out to those in darkness with the Gospel.
The last day of the conference I stopped by the room where there were free books and displays of ministries. I stopped at a display of very old Bibles. You could get a brief tour of the booth. I was standing there alone and totally unprepared for what happened next. I looked up at a simple grey plaque that said; “William Tyndale, Martyred 1536”. I can’t explain it, but I began to weep, and I could not control it. I guess the conference had brought my heart to this point. This was a man who gave his life (he was strangled and burned on a stake) for translating the Bible into English. O Great God,You have brought the Scriptures to us so we could know You and know Your love for us.
My sin, O the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole;
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more;
Praise The Lord, praise The Lord, O my soul.
-It is well With My Soul; Phillip P. Bliss-
I hope I never get over that moment, realizing what God has done for me by giving me His written Word, especially as we will soon celebrate “Resurrection Day”, as I like to call Easter.
Behold Him there, the risen Lamb!
My perfect, spotless righteousness,
The great unchangeable I Am,
The King of glory and of grace.
One with Himself, I cannot die.
My soul is purchased with His blood.
My life is hid with Christ in high,
With Christ my Savior and my God.
-Before the Throne of God Above;
Charities Lees Bancroft; Lyrics-Vickki Cook-
Pam Cavanaugh